International Advisory Council Member

Ton Schurink

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Mr. Ton Schurink is a senior executive with extensive experience in trading commodities, risk management, barter, shipping, financial trading and structured finance acquired during a 32-year career with Cargill. In 2001, he founded his own consulting company, CFT Advisory Services, which focuses on overlaps between commodities, finance and trading. In 2008 Mr. Schurink founded, along with other partners, CFT Services & Partners SA, and in 2011, CFT Trading FZ-LLC in UAE.

Mr. Schurink is a Board member of Navemar SA in Fribourg and Oceana SA in Chur, Amtrada Holding in Amsterdam, Kernel Holding in Luxembourg and Banque Cantonale de Geneve. He is also working with several trading companies, mainly on risk management issues. In 2012 he started working with two trading companies to obtain and restructure their credit lines.

Mr. Schurink is a graduate from Nijenrode Business School in The Netherlands and INSEAD Advance Management Programme in Fontainebleau, France.

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